Linked Questions

4 votes
3 answers

Will Stack Overflow sue me? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Am I Allowed To Make a StackOverflow Clone? Will I get sued if I create a website will almost similar functionalities (tags, vote up.down, related questions, badges) as Stack ...
Randell's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

I want a "Stack Overflow" for my community website [duplicate]

I administer a community website — currently on dotnetnuke, which can't change right now — and I'd really like to replace my forums with something like Stack Overflow, but it has to be on ...
Eric Falsken's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I create a website similar to SO? [duplicate]

Can I copy Stack Overflow design, layout and color combination to create a new website?
djmzfKnm's user avatar
  • 251
2 votes
4 answers

Will I have any problem making a StackOverflow Clone? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Am I Allowed To Make a StackOverflow Clone? I am programming a StackOverflow clone. Functions and layout, just for study. Will I have any legal problems? Will there be ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Fake Stack Overflow site on - illegal? [duplicate]

stackverflow-dot-com has recently been updated to be a clone of the real Stack Overflow site, and most likely steals information. Is this website illegally using the Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange ...
Zeke Egherman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Permission for Using SO website style for creating Similar Question and Answer site [duplicate]

Is there any permission required to built similar style of (Stackoverflow)? I reviewed both: and
Jason OOO's user avatar
  • 290
0 votes
1 answer

Building a new Q & A site like stack overflow. legal issues [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Am I Allowed To Make a StackOverflow Clone? Just a few questions in mind Is it legal to build similar sites like which is functionally exactly the same. ...
Debjit's user avatar
  • 3
1 vote
1 answer

Stackoverflow copy rights [duplicate]

If someone builds another product like Stack Overflow, can they be sued for some kind of patent/copyright infringement? If yes, which parts of Stack Overflow design cannot be copied.
Wand Maker's user avatar
1206 votes
3 answers

Are there any clones/alternatives for running a Stack Exchange style Q&A site?

Since the source code for this site isn't available for purchase or external use, I'm looking for software that can run a Q&A environment similar to Stack Exchange. Are there any such pieces of ...
8 votes
8 answers

I'm making a SO clone. Am I copying too much from the real Stack Overflow?

I'm developing software with the same purpose as Stack Exchange. I'm currently in the very early alpha stages; when I'm done I plan to release it as open source, localize it in Italian and open an ...
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers
796 views creates a Stack Overflow knock-off; if I participate am I violating anybody's TOS? (probably the one and only freelancer / offshoring site I've made any significant use of) has just introduced a blatant Stack Overflow knock-off site, which can be seen at
Michael Dautermann's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is Locker Gnome ripping off Stack Exchange? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Stack Overflow clones I recently found Locker Gnome and I'm curious whether they're ripping off Stack Exchange, or are part of the Stack Exchange network?
Bojangles's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Writing a forum software like Stack Overflow, plagiarism?

I found that Stack Overflow is very attractive. I really like its simple and elegant design. I believe that the source code is not available for download :) What if I write a similar software (say 75%...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does the Stack Overflow software have a name?

Does the software that runs the Stack Overflow sites have a name? I've always thought that, just as Slashdot's software is named "Slash," Stack Overflow's software should be named "Stack" or "The ...
Stephen Jennings's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

StackOverflow clones, legal? [closed]

I ran across this website and it really bothers me how similar it is to SO in EVERY aspect without giving any credit whatsoever and even copyrighting the website for themselves. Is this legal?
defectivehalt's user avatar

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