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4 votes
2 answers

Why do stack sites use different fonts?

I just found that the Stack Overflow font is bigger than the font on math.stackexchange. Look at last lines on two images. math.stackexchange: Stack Overflow: Why do they use different fonts?
sanyassh's user avatar
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Font size in page not found error page is increased

In the page not found error page, the font-size for the text is increased recently. Previously the font-size was less and the UI looked good. Is the design change on purpose or any impact with any ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Fonts while viewing Stack Overflow appear strange in Google Chrome on Mac [closed]

The fonts looked great until this morning, when the font lost its bold style as you can see in the pictures. It used to be bold and now it is tiny, and plus, all code blocks in the pages looks ...
gabbler's user avatar
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Font of the Stack Exchange for Android app is too small [duplicate]

I use a Nexus7 2. When I use Stack Exchange on it, the font inside the app is too small. It's too hard to read. How can I make it larger?
zhaoyuhugo's user avatar
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2 answers

Fonts while viewing stackoverflow appear too small in google chrome

The font on other stack exchange sites including this one looks okay to me but on my ACER netbook (that comes with Windows 7 starter kit) and particularly in chrome browser the fonts are appearing ...
Geek's user avatar
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How to change the typeface and font size in the Ask Question textarea

I feel that the typeface used in the Ask Question textarea does not look good, and that the font size there is too small. How can I change them? Can they be changed network-wide by SE?
Mirage's user avatar
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Big white box obscures the body of

When I visit, there is a big white box which obscures the "Top Questions" section. Please see the attached screenshot. I am running Firefox 4.0.1 on Windows XPSP3. I have ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to make text smaller?

Also, can you explain on editing help how to do so.
tshepang's user avatar
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