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Jaydles StaffMod
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We're rolling out a new "Quick Start" guide to help new users learn the basics

Here's the first one, on Ask Different.

We've been working hard on ways to help improve the experience of new users, and one of the best ways to do that is to help teach them the basics about how our sites work before they run afoul of them.

This will improve their odds of having a good first experience, speed up how quickly they can become contributing members of community, and head off the frustrations they sometimes have as a result of crashing into one of the many things that make us... different.

So We've just rolled out the first version of our new "quick start" guide. It's designed to help teach new users the absolute minimum they need to know to get started and have a good experience. How we're different from discussion boards, the basics of rep, what you can do right off the bat, why some questions aren't allowed, etc.

We spent a LOT of time on trying to get to the absolute minimum length that will still cover the key things new users need to know to be successful, but if you have feedback, please share it.

Jaydles StaffMod
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