The Association Bonus is awarded when one of your linked accounts has reached 200 reputation points, and as a result, all associated accounts are given a 100 point bonus. The bonus is awarded because you have proven that you know your way around the basic features of any Stack Exchange website and have demonstrated you are a good community member through being awarded community votes for your questions and answers. With those 100 extra points you can now comment, vote, flag and create bounties on all SE sites. From here on out, on any new sites joined will also be given this bonus.
I think this is an excellent award that promotes sharing of skills/knowledge between different sites without the painful earning of basic privileges.
I joined the wonderful StackExchange network 2 years, 10 months ago. I have been contributing to various sites when I get the time. I am a StackExchange evangelist amongst my friends and family because I find StackExchange is a system that somewhat recognises the time and effort of people who ask a question well or provide thorough answers.
However, while I would love to vote on answers and questions the numerous StackExchange sites, I have never managed to achieve the elusive 200 reputation to gain the afore-mentioned Association Bonus on any single site, so I often see this note when I try to vote on other sites:
My top four sites have a combined reputation of 600. My progress on each site is somewhat slow since I also have a bit of a penchant for answering old unanswered questions. I'll confirm this for anyone wondering, that this is not a good way to build your reputation quickly! I have also realised that some of the sites I frequent tend to be technical so many questions/answers on any given day have zero votes (e.g. Arduino) compared to other sites where there is not one question on any given day that does not have a vote, and many have over 5 (e.g. Interpersonal Skills) (i.e. reputation seems to be harder to earn).
I'd like to hear from the community whether they think the Association Bonus could be expanded to include accounts that have earnt over 500 reputation on their up to 5 sites (for example), or some other variation. I'm sure other users are in the same boat as myself. Surely >500 reputation on up to 5 sites would demonstrate that the user has provided a useful contribution to the StackExchange network, and is equivalent to >200 reputation on a single site?
Please note: I'm not trying to be self-pitying here. I recognise that reputation should be earnt. So please don't, even as a joke, vote my questions up just to boost me to the Association bonus. My point is to give loyal users that spread their effort over multiple sites the same Association Bonus privilege as a user that dedicates their effort on a single site.