I'm again looking at rene's SEDE query Status of the SEDE Refresh on Sunday 03:00 UTC to check the status, which is currently (in part):
. | category | database_id | Description | create_date | days ago |
3 | restoring | 211 | StackExchange.Literature_Temp | 2023-04-16 03:12:49 | 0 |
... which is about 10 hours before I write this. I do hope nothing is -- or was -- on fire!
This particular problems seems to be DISTINCT the most recent issue of a failure on a backup share that caused the process to be disabled, since there's evidence of previous restoration activity:
. | category | database_id | Description | create_date | days ago |
4 | days group start | 11 | # databases 42 | 2023-04-16 03:09:39 | 0 |
2 | newest | 210 | StackExchange.Literature.Meta | 2023-04-16 03:12:48 | 0 |