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@This_is_NOT_a_forum Nicely done. I felt the usual sorrow at your first link, but smiled a bit from the second. (I haven't seen the movie yet. There's already a sequel so I should do both as a double feature.)
@XanderHenderson Here's a possible example from SciFi SE. I asked the question. The answer references "sexually explicit content" without being overtly sexually explicit. I don't think it would be in violation of the AUP. I certainly hope it wouldn't be!
@Andrew Hmm, interesting that they chose black text on a white background for those parts of the help. (Not sure that would be so great either; whatever SE used to use was perfectly readable.) You're correct: They should have reverted immediately. That is a good heuristic, because it avoids the scenario of something else coming up unexpectedly, and the UI horror "making life difficult for users" for ages.... "ages" being at least two months now!
@Andrew wow you are amazingly fast! I was too shy to ask about it for a few weeks, and when I finally did, there were at least four people who had already asked the EXACT same question. (I'm embarrassed because I know better than to do that!) On Meta, it is usually (or used to be) quite nuanced, what is considered duplicate or not.
It is kind of surprising given the (seeming) amount of forethought that went into state-of-the-art UI color design… I wonder if they thought it was okay as it was, which is difficult to believe, or they somehow didn't check it? That shade of blue is one of my favorite colors so I don't mind THAT much but it would be very difficult to read for anyone with accessibility (vision) challenges.
I echo the sentiment expressed by @curiousdannii about having the CEO indicate his assent. It is a reasonable request given that the CEO wrote those two (three?) concerning blog posts in April and May about adding generative AI to SO.