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Jan Matejka
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
How to ask a "Recommended design / tool for the job" question correctly, and where?
You can't ask "Is tool X suitable for task Y?" if don't know any X ffs. So, the community stance on this is "it's hard to avoid subjectivity, therefore we'll just pretend these problems doesn't exist".
Why does SO keep obviously wrong answers?
@Celeritas stop doing assumptions and making stuff up, please.
Why does SO keep obviously wrong answers?
@simchona How can you flag it as "not an answer" ?
Why does SO keep obviously wrong answers?
@ErnestFriedman-Hill At least it achieves the result OP is asking for, in contratry to the rest of the answers.
Why does SO keep obviously wrong answers?
I have better things to do than play your reputation game (which is not simple to enter as it has progressed this much), so I cant downvote (or even upvote atm) the wrong answers. Usualy I often do not have an answer or answer already is there burried somewhere. But I still can identify answers that dont solve the question asked.
Why does SO keep obviously wrong answers?
Those answers do not solve the issue OP is asking. Therefore they are wrong, it's that simple.