What is the best long-term solution for the Help Vampire problem?
Adapted from the above article:
Identifying Help Vampires can be tricky, because they look like any ordinary person (or Internet user, whichever is lesser). But by closely observing an individual's behavior using this handy checklist, you too can identify Help Vampires in the field:
- Do they ask the same, tired questions others ask (at a rate of once or more per minute)?
- Do they clearly lack the ability or inclination to ask the almighty Google?
- Do they refuse to take the time to ask coherent, specific questions?
- Do they think helping them must be the high point of your day?
- Do they get offensive, as if you needed to prove them why they should use Ruby on Rails?
- Are they obviously just waiting for some poor, well-intentioned person to do all their thinking for them?
- Can you tell they really aren't interested in having their question answered, so much as getting someone else to do their work?