I realize that tweeting questions by @serverfault (and other SE twitter accounts) is automated, but shouldn't questions with close votes not be tweeted?
For example this is way OT for SF and has 4 close votes at the time of this writing. It had (I believe) two close votes when it was tweeted.
I don't know what the algorithm for tweeting questions is, but this question wasn't highly voted, it was very new, it had close votes, and it's from a low-rep user. Maybe it's time to be a little more selective?
If my memory is failing me and this was tweeted before close votes, my premise still stands. The question is about 40 minutes old at the time of this writing and was tweeted about 4 minutes after it was asked. Shouldn't questions be given enough time to be vetted by the community before they're shouted to the twitter universe?