The keyboard shortcuts command+shift+z and ctrl+shift+z for redo in text input boxes don't work. The shortcuts command+y and ctrl+y work correctly, but aren't the standard on OS X.
Undo works (with different scope than native undo), but not redo. Clicking the redo button works, but the keyboard shortcut doesn't.
Having a way to turn off SO's keyboard shortcuts would fix this problem, as undo and redo work fine in text inputs when not hijacked.
I found myself writing up a bug report about redo not working only to have the top suggestion be... my own bug report about redo not working!
Since then, another bug occasioned me to delve into wmd.js and see that this appears to be decidedly unintended behavior. Here's what appears to be the relevant (de-minified) section of the code:
function (a) {
var b = !1;
if (a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey) switch (String.fromCharCode(a.charCode || a.keyCode)) {
case "y":
b = !0;
case "z":
a.shiftKey ? d.redo() : d.undo(), b = !0
That last a.shiftKey ? d.redo() : d.undo()
clause looks very much like an effort to redo()
when shift is pressed in combination with the undo()
keyboard shortcut.
So here's some more information about this apparently clear, if clearly low-priority bug. We'll see if it does any better after this bump.