If I go to stackexchange.com and click on my name to access my profile, I see a "my logins" link. When I click on it, the "My Logins" popup appears:
My Logins
Log in or sign up on any Stack Exchange site using these accounts
Stack Exchange
[email protected] change password
[email protected] change password
add more logins...
However, there is not a remove
link next to the change password
link. This is different than the screen shown in this answer to this question.
But now, if I go to a particular Stack Exchange site -- for example, Stack Overflow -- and then click on my name, I am taken to my Stack Overflow profile. Then, if I go to Edit Profile & Settings > My Logins, I am taken to a different "My Logins" page:
My Logins
Log in or sign up on any Stack Exchange site using these accounts
Stack Exchange
[email protected] change password remove
[email protected] change password remove
add more logins...
So, now, here there is a remove
My question is, if I click the remove
link here, on Stack Overflow, next to one of my logins, will that login be removed on all of the other particular Stack Exchange sites? (I am a member of Unix & Linux Stack Exchange, Computational Science Stack Exchange, etc.)
I am hoping that I don't have to remove that login from each individual site of which I am a member. It confuses me that the remove
links do not appear on the "My Logins" page on stackexchange.com...