We need a hard rate limit on suggested edits, to limit the damage someone can do with blasting the review queue with minor edit suggestions.
Case in point: this user peppered the site with a whopping 133 tag-only edit suggestions in 2 hours and 15 minutes. That's one edit every minute on average, but towards the end he was entering a new suggestion every 20 seconds. He only stopped because a call to action here on meta drew enough rejections to have him banned from entering more.
If there was a limit to the number of suggested edits you can enter in a time period we could have stopped this guy earlier. No <2k user needs to edit hundreds of tags across that many questions in 2 hours time.
There are cases where a retag drive or tag burninate justifies editing a larger number of posts, but I'd be fine if such tasks were limited to people with 2k+ reputation. A retag or burninate job requires a minimal engagement with the community to know when they are justified anyway.
The suggested edit review process, by itself, was clearly not enough to stop this barrage. It cannot be seen as a rate limiting measure, at least not as a sufficiently efficient one.
The vast majority of the edits made in the above example were too minor, leaving spelling, grammar and formatting mistakes in the post untouched. The user was going too fast to pay attention to such details anyway. Yet this user has 98 approved edit suggestions, but all but 6 or 7 I'd have rejected as too minor, so the review process itself is broken.
What should be limited
The number of review votes reviewers have is already limited; I burned through 20 reviews in short order just reviewing the suggestions from just this one user. Certainly the number of unreviewed suggestions should be limited to let reviewers catch up with a user like this. I'd say having 20 outstanding suggested edits pending review is plenty.
Suggested edits should be made with some consideration; we don't want minor edits, so if you are suggesting more than 20 in an hour (that's 1 every 3 minutes) you are not improving posts anymore, you are gaming the system to gain reputation.
for a rejected edit? The rate limit is not a punishment, just a natural break in how fast they do this.