As of March 1st, 2017, Blog Overflow willis no longer be hostedofficially deprecated by Stack Overflow.
Blog Overflow iswas the network of blogs spear-headed and written by members of the community.
Not every site in the Stack Exchange network getsgot a blog and, it takestook the efforts of many to rally around their subject matter to produce great, regular content.
To startIn December 2014, head on overStack Exchange announced that no new community blogs would be created, due to your meta and gather yourself a ragtag bunchlack of interestedactivity on existing blogs and motivated writersbecause they weren't properly tied to get those greases juicingsites and promoted adequately. Existing blogs could still publish content, however.
In March 2017, the service was officially discontinued. Two sites opted to delete their blogs, while three moved their blogs to external, community-run sites; the vast majority opted to keep their existing blog posts up, but they are archived on static pages rather than on a blog engine, and cannot be edited neither can new posts be added.
- How do I participate on Blog Overflow?
- What's the difference between an editor, author, and contributor on Blog Overflow?
###See also
- blog - Official blog of the Stack Exchange network