For the first time on Stack Overflow, I have encountered the It does not meet our quality standards.
It does not meet our quality standards.
problem when posting. The only thing I have to change is to add aan is
"is" in my post title from why php error log truncated in nginx
"why php error log truncated in nginx" to why php error log is truncated in nginx
"why php error log is truncated in nginx", It took me a while.
The whole experience of fixing this "problem" is frustrating besides the php problem I am trying to fix.
First of all, I understand the reason behind this. However, There is no any explanation of what should the poster do to fix this problem. Why not have a link besides the error message to tell people the common mistakes? I had to google around to find them.
Moreover, Therethere are tonelots of people who are not native englishEnglish speakers on Stack Overflow. Missing aan is
"is" or leaving a lower case i
as lowercase"i" is a very common and make. Making those people spend 5 or 10 minutes to fix their post because of that is bit extreme.