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Which site should I use for my question? And where do I find this info? - Stack Exchange's Site Directory

Is there a tool somewhere which will help me decide which site is best for my question?

I believe this could be done through the tags, but sometimes I have a question. Also, some sites have greater communities (in terms of size), and even if the people are generally less qualified, it means that my question is more likely to be seen.


2 Answers 2


Start here: https://stackexchange.com/sites

If you can't narrow it down to a single site, you're welcome to ask a question here on Meta and we can give you a specific recommendation.

You can also try "asking the network" your question, by using the search box on http://stackexchange.com (top right corner). This box is special in that it searches all network sites. This may help narrow things down.

  • 1
    I feel that this won't scale :) I hope there are thousands of SE sites sooner or later, and choosing the right one will probably be a little bit cumbersome :( Commented Dec 19, 2010 at 22:12
  • @Julien: Agreed. I updated my answer with an additional suggestion.
    – Jon Seigel
    Commented Dec 19, 2010 at 22:33
  • @JulienGenestoux, yes, I think it became so: meta.superuser.com/questions/12007/how-to-choose-a-community
    – Pavel
    Commented Jan 4, 2017 at 15:31

Obviously you should ask on whereshouldIpost.stackexchange.com:

WhereShouldIPost? is the Q&A for beginner question askers looking for the correct StackExchange site where to post their question - check out the FAQ!

  • I don't get it. I click on your link and it says not found. Or is this a joke I'm missing?
    – User
    Commented Jul 20, 2011 at 22:07
  • 3
    @User: it was a joke. It would be hilarious if the SE network went so meta to have a site for users to ask question about where to post their questions. :P Commented Jul 20, 2011 at 23:39

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