Currently, Stack Exchange sites with their own blog only link to that blog in both the footer link and the announcement link in the header. The site blog completely overrides the SE blog - there's no way for people to even know it exists if they only frequent that site.
However, the Stack Exchange blog often has information that often applies to every site on the network. It's been suggested that moderators or community members watch the blog and post relevant information on the child metas. I don't think it's constructive to duplicate information that way. Is there another way a new SE blog post could be announced?
- Banner like the badge notifications - "A new announcement has been posted" (SE posts are rare enough that I don't think it would be noisey)
- Second "Blog" link (Might not be room; could be confused with the site blog)
- Community ad
- "Announcement" link in the header (Less confusion, but see #2)
- Dropdown on the "Blog" link if there are two new posts available (meh)
I think the best options are 1. and 3. Or a combination of both...