Currently, accepted answers are automatically put at the top when sorted by any criteria, unless it's by the OP.
If an accepted answer is wrong and has several more downvotes than the top-voted answer, please don't put it at the top of the list when sorting by votes.
Example: What does ||= (or-equals) mean in Ruby? has the accepted answer with +16 -8 = 8 net votes, and the top-voted answer with +15 -0 = 15 net votes.
Many users don't have access to the upvote/downvote count of a question, and therefore would have to read the comments (and comment upvotes) to know that something's amiss. Yes, they'd have to do the same if they read past the first top-voted answer and then read the wrong answer, but reading the right answer and then the wrong answer is better than the other way around.
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page as its reference, and leaves things open-ended.