Somewhat in the same spirit as this question, and somewhat inspired by my (recent!) discovery that one now needs 125 reputation to downvote stuff, I have to ask:
Can the question protection feature be modified so that users with less than or equal to 101 reputation cannot answer protected questions?
Additionally, I would propose that the threshold for posting in protected questions be raised to the same level as that for downvoting; that is, 125 rep. (If there are other justifiable values, well...)
This question from math.SE features a rather irrelevant answer given by a 101-rep user. I understand that this request, if granted, would have prevented the 15-rep user who at least had the courtesy to post something pertinent for the question, but I was thinking in the same line as preventing "drive-by" downvoting by 101-rep users. This (rather infamous) question also acquired a few irrelevant answers by 101 rep users (which have subsequently been deleted) until protection. (I believe there are other examples, but I can't seem to find them.)
(Since this is a meta-site, I wouldn't mind downvotes from people who disagree, but I sure would also be interested in seeing reasons why this feature request should not be implemented, in the interest of finding out my biases/blind spots.)
Thanks in advance!