I was just looking around and spotted something that might be worth discussing, I know this isn't a great importance to the site but wondered whether it would be worth mentioning?
The yearling badge is defined as
Active member for a year, earning at least 200 reputation. This badge can be awarded multiple times.
I'm not stating that the badge is implemented incorrectly, it does exactly what it says on the tin.
But should it be awarded if the user hasn't logged in for the year? I mean say for instance if Jon Skeet got sick of the world of software development and decided to become a physiotherapist (for example), consequentially deciding not to ever visit the site again. He would achieve the yearling badge for eternity because his questions and answers would be earning him 200 reputation year by year.
I thought of it when stumbling across a user that had asked 3 questions and hasn't been seen since for nearly 3 years, but has achieved the badge 3 times (nearly a 4th) because they had scraped together 200 rep each year.
points / years > 200