The question:
~1,100 other (unclosed) questions about neural networks:
It says it was closed as "Off Topic". Yet when I follow the FAQ that the closed message itself links, it says the following:
We feel the best Stack Overflow questions have a bit of source code in them, but if your question generally covers …
- a specific programming problem
- a software algorithm
- software tools commonly used by programmers
- practical, answerable problems that are unique to the programming profession
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
It also says:
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face.
To my understanding, the question closed meets all of these criteria. It is a question about a specific kind of software algorithm (multilayer perceptrons) and its limitations. It was also practical and answerable, as demonstrated by the fact that other people were facing the problem and it was answered.
Was this close justified? If so, can you explain why?
Addendum: Apparently it's not obvious from the question-verbiage based on comments below, so just to make it clear: I'm not asking for the question to be reopened. I would just like to understand the rationale.
"The question was closed because it was about neural networks."
What's your basis for that assertion? If there are a lot of on topic neural network questions that may not be true, therefore it must have been closed for some other reason. I can tell you that you'll find the meta community much more receptive if you ask why the question was closed, rather than saying it shouldn't be and demanding it be reopened.neural-network
was closed as off topic doesn't mean the community feels neural networks are as a whole off topic on SO.