When does the calculation for delete votes happen? Is it ever recalculated? I've thought of three scenarios for how the delete vote threshold works, which is right? or is it something else? Testing it myself isn't exactly practical.
Change of threshold still requiring votes to delete
Say you've got a question that requires four delete votes to delete and has 2 currently committed. Someone comes along and downvotes the questions and answers enough that only 3 would be required. Will the next delete vote delete the question?
Change of threshold to match existing votes to delete
Say you've got a question that requires four delete votes to delete and has 3 currently committed. Someone comes along and downvotes the questions and answers enough that only three would be required. When (if at all) will this question get deleted (by the system)?
Locked in at first delete vote cast
Or... is it locked in at the time of the first delete vote being cast and nothing will cause it to budge to a lower threshold?