On each Area 51 proposal in Beta, we see something similar to:

Okay – Every site needs a solid group of core users to assist in moderating the site. We recommend:

150 users with 200+ rep (on pace for 107 users at 90 days)
10 users with 2,000+ rep (on pace for 11 users at 90 days)
5 users with 3,000+ rep (on pace for 5 users at 90 days)

I get that the '+' indicates "rep and up", but for some reason the manner of presentation feels like it should exclude any that count for a higher requirement.

Are the 5 users with 3,000+ rep counted in the 2000+ rep total requirement?

Are the 10 users with 2,000+ rep counted in the 200+ rep total requirement?

1 Answer 1


200+ rep - Users with 200 rep and above (even with 2,000 or 3,000+)

2000+ rep - Users with 2,000 rep and above (even with 3,000+)

3000+ rep - Users with 3,000 and above

So, Yes. the 5 users (if up to 5) with 3000+ rep are counted in the 2000+ rep, the 10 users (if up to 10) with 2000+ rep are counted in the 200+ rep total requirement.

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