In idly looking through the users list on ELL, I noticed that right after the usual long string of 101 reputation users, there were two people with exactly 100. Nothing unusual about that, downvotes happen, except...:
Choosing another beta site at random, I got this from eBooks:
None of these profile owners have asked or answered any questions on the relevant sites. They all have the association bonus. And on all of them the association bonus is the only reputation change on the site, positive or negative. (There are other non-staff users with 100 on a couple sites I checked, but they all had asked/answered questions.)
Obviously it would be difficult to manually examine all the beta (or main) sites to determine whether the pattern continues. But what causes it in the first place? How do staff rid themselves of that pesky OCD-breaking initial 1 reputation?
waitwaitwait. Don't tell me.