I have answered this question with 1.8k views, 16 upvotes (on Biology SE that's quite good) and counting. My answer is well-received (21 upvotes, accepted). Now people are voting for question closure based on off-topicness. Of course it's totally up to them to vote whatever they want, but still I am wondering -
Shouldn't questions be protected that receive so much positive attention? Don't the masses have something to say as well? I mean wouldn't ~20 upvotes weigh more than five folks who think it's off-topic? Of course these numbers may be regarded as ridiculously low among Overflow folks and the likes, but to me they are huge nonetheless :)
Am I right that protecting a question will not help me? that is just for spammy answers and comments, rigt?
Lastly, can I flag a question like this and ask for moderator protection?