On the SE I moderate, we have a few tags that are on a very large number of questions, specifically six tags are on ~7.5–12.5% of the 10,000+ questions.
These tags are on a broad range of questions that cover large parts of the topics discussed on the site, and do not work well to represent and confine topics.
I have proposed to deprecate and replace these tags with tags that encompass narrower subtopics.
Example: If the delinquent tag was food, I am suggesting to retag to snacks, desserts, appetizers, main-dishes, side-dishes…
This turns out to be a lot of work, especially since there are few people coming to aid.
- Has someone tried something similar and can report on the results? (Is it worth it?)
- Are there best practices, on how to engage the community in this sort of endeavours?
- Is there a way to retag questions that have a combination of two tags? E.g. food+between-meals → snacks.
- Is this a fool's errand/over-moderation?
Obligatory links to the actual meta-posts: