I viewed the source of a page on Stack Exchange and I discovered that all the up-vote buttons share the same CSS class and so do all the down-vote buttons.
That got me thinking: what if user(s) cheat on Stack Exchange by "hacking" with JavaScript in the browser console? In the scenario above, user(s) can simply jQuery the down-vote buttons and fire click events on all of them.
I know Stack Exchange will get rid of the votes if they detect serial-voting, but shouldn't these hypothetical "hackers" be banned because they were hacking? How does Stack Exchange differentiate between fake clicks and real user interaction?
RELATED: After a bit of searching around, I found this question: How to mine Unicoins faster? Although "Unicoins" were implemented as an April Fools joke, it does reveal the security issue that I was talking about. The answers suggested JS scripts that could be run to generate Unicoins.