When a tag is created, the tag-info is available at https://meta.stackexchange.com/tags/[tagname]/info
. (Or this url shows that it is currently empty.) After the tag is removed, then the above address no longer shows the original tag-info.
Recently in another discussion an experienced user mentioned in a comment that if a tag with the same name is created again, then also the tag-info is recreated:
I will not test this but IIRC if you recreate the tag, the previous tag-wiki gets re-instantiated. I remember I had seen such report but don't know if that was a fluke, a one-time incident or by-design.
However this contradicts my experience with a removed and recreated tag on one of the sites. (I will include details below.) This was in 2012, so it is possible that the behavior of removed tag-wikis changed since then.
TL;DR: So I am basically asking for some "official" info on this: If a tag with the same name as a previously removed tag is created again, does it automatically has the original tag-info?
On instance of this I remember is (algebra) tag on math.SE. This tag is currently blacklisted. However, before the blacklisting it was removed and created again.
At some point, the tag-wiki looked like this (as mentioned in this post):
DEPRECATED TAG! Please DO NOT use this. (algebra-precalculus) or (abstract-algebra) might be more appropriate tags. See tag wiki for details.
However, I was able to find a message in chat mentioning a new tag-excerpt after the tag was created again. You can see in the revision history that the original tag-info was lost. The fact that the old tag-info was removed after the deletion was also mentioned in this comment.