(An alternative title for this question is: Is it fine to give meta advice on the main page?)
In one site, there is a question (let's call it question 1) in the form "how do I achieve X?". I give an answer in the form "to get X, you must do Y", and people disagree with it. I think they disagree with it not because it's wrong, but because there is a huge misunderstanding in there. Of course, I've tried my best to make it helpful to the OP. I also explain why the other existing answers fail to address the issue. Perhaps they misunderstand me, perhaps I misunderstand them, but in all, they don't say that it's wrong. They say it's interesting and important, but it doesn't answer the question.
Now I want to ask another question (question 2a) about "why isn't Y helpful to get X?". It is a legit question for the main site, but it can also be interpreted as "why is my answer in question 1 bad?", which is a meta question (question 2b). Any answer for question 2a will inadvertently answer question 2b (give advice on how to improve the answer of question 1), and any answer for question 2b will require an answer for question 2a.
In that case, which version of question 2 should be asked first? I think it's still best to ask 2a, since it seems that it is more important than 2b. If so, is there any thing I should take notice when asking 2a? Is it necessary to ask 2b as well, and let people give meta advice on the main page?
PS: on hindsight, it seems that my answer is a frame challenge. But I didn't know that back then.