I downloaded Stack Overflow posts dump ('stackoverflow.com-Posts.7z') on 13 Sept 2019 which was lastly modified on 4 Sept 2019 according to https://archive.org. However, after I extracted the data I found that the most recent post on the dump was created on March 2018. Initially, I thought there is something wrong with my script. So, I viewed the data using one of the software where I got the same results as my script.
I am confused now what to do next! Does anyone know from where I can get the dump of the most recent Stack Overflow posts? I tried the uploaded dump in the Big Query but I found a mistake in the dump where the tags are not located between <>.
Looking forward to your helping in this issue.
Thanks all
file from archive and imported it into SQL Server. I'm seeing that the most recent date on a post is2019-09-01 05:24:14.550
, so I'm not reproducing the issue that you're seeing. Can you try to pull the file again?