Some tooltips recently changed to having a dark background with white letters (this happens both on SO where I use dark theme and on MSE where dark theme isn't available). I think this happened after the latest Firefox update (within the last couple of days for me) and I want to ask if the change was caused by the Firefox update or if the change was made by SE?
The following screenshot is how I'm currently seeing the reputation tooltip in the comments using Windows 10 Pro with Firefox 101.0 (64-bit) rev 2022.5.31.42254
For reference this is how I always saw the tooltip up until recently, (taken with a different browser that still shows the tooltip how it used to be in light colors) Brave browser Windows 10 Pro with Version 1.39.111 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 (Official Build) (64-bit) rev 2022.5.31.42254
I don't know if SE are aware or have any control over how the tooltip is shown (I'm tagging this question as support for now), but I think the tooltip lost readability. If SE does have some control over how the tooltip is shown I would suggest improving the readability. I'm not against a dark tooltip but it should at least have slightly more font weight to be easily readable with the dark background.
Here are two more examples, also happens for Share, Edit, Close, Flag links under posts: