In line with the "badges and other rewards should encourage desirable behaviour", what desirable behaviour does the Taxonomist badge encourage?
- Taxonomist - Created a tag used by 50 questions
Update: I'm not convinced that in itself having hundreds of tags that are infrequently used is actually a good thing. As an example I'll go through some of the tags with ~50 questions:
- jqueryui (x51) - duplictae of jquery-ui
- uml-modeling (x51) - each of these quesions would be better tagged as uml (x414)
- fast (x50) - should be tagged with performance instead.
- etc...
Once you get down to the more infrequently used tags it starts to become aparant that the vast majority of these tags should probably not be used as it makes it more difficult to find and group questions.
I just wondered if there was something else that I'm missing.