I need a feature - as I often find that I have do something that is ...
I have some interested tags, this sets the background to be different of the questions that I might find interesting. When I first get to SO, I end up quickly scrolling down the list to see if there is anything interesting.
Left feeling that is wasted time and annoying as you are "making me have to think"...
Could the most interesting questions to me (based on my interested tags) be at the top?
So I think of the homepage as
2 Sets
- All Questions
- Questions I have tagged as interesting
I am interested in both sets of questions - So I am not looking to reduce Set 1 by only showing Set 2.
I am looking for the intersection of Set 1 and Set 2 to be the first in the list.
This intersection is already known and used on the front page for highlighting. Cant we use the intersection to simply rank too?