The new SE-network-wide reply notification is great, but could we have a single place to view all "recent activity"? Could be integrated with the reply notification, but wouldn't have to be.

Something that listed there was some new activity to view instead of listing what that exactly is (i.e. no need to include full text of anything), but still listed the site and what type of activity (e.g. I may not be interested in reputation, but would be in revisions) would be useful.

  • The new feature is a big improvement, so I almost feel bad asking for more... just no pleasing some people.
    – Gnome
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 20:12
  • @Gnome: If there's enough interest, I may add that capability to StackCenter. Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 20:20
  • @George: It is already available through scraping, and probably through the API too? I find it useful, in any case.
    – Gnome
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 20:29
  • Oh, duh, to scrape you have to be logged in, as the linked browser extension can be, so that wouldn't work for your site.
    – Gnome
    Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 21:09
  • @Gnome: It sure would. All the information you're asking for is available with the API. Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 22:26

1 Answer 1


This is coming later this week, perhaps by Thursday -- check your http://stackexchange.com profile page.

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