I just saw this bounty question today and I was a bit confused

This states that "This question has an open bounty worth +400 reputation from Rahul Joshi ending in 7 day" but Rahul Joshi only has a reputation of 1

As per the FAQ, it states that

Slice off anywhere from +50 to +500 of your own hard-earned reputation and attach it to any question as a bounty. (User does not have 400 rep to slice off)


Users must have at least 75 reputation to offer a bounty. (User does not have 75 rep)

Does the FAQ not contradict this question or am i missing something here?


1 Answer 1


Yes, what you describe can happen because the bounty is deducted at the beginning of the bounty period. So the user in question previously had 401 rep, offered a bounty of 400, and was left with 1 rep.


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