I have posted a few questions on StackOverflow.com

They weren't asnswered even though I let them simmer for a while.

I found the answer because - hey.. I'm a real programmer.

Now, my question is ..

Do I post my own answer and _vote to close_?
Do I post my answer and _accept my own_ answer_?

4 Answers 4


Post your answer and accept it as your answer because that was originally what you were looking for.


Post your answer and accept it. It may feel like repwhoring, but the goal is to help the next person to come along with a similar problem. And let's be honest, don't you deserve a little rep for working it out yourself?

  • 2
    you don't get the +15 rep for having your answer accepted, you only get th +2 for accepting an answer Commented Jul 20, 2009 at 18:28
  • 1
    +2 doesn't count as a little rep? Commented Jul 20, 2009 at 19:35
  • its about showing everyone the answer that was needed by the person who posted the question. Rep is for fun. Commented Jul 21, 2009 at 0:15

I wonder if we should also add an ability to mark our questions as "I don't need the answer anymore"? Such questions could stop being pushed to the top by the Community User, and should stop showing up in "Unanswered questions".

This touches a bit on all the unanswered questions that are unanswered because the person posting the question never came back to answer it, but that's a different discussion.

  • You can close as "no longer relevant" if you want Commented Jul 20, 2009 at 19:26
  • I wouldn't recommend that. I see no reason to close the post. Unless you are concerned about wasting someone's time.
    – jjnguy
    Commented Jul 20, 2009 at 19:32
  • I'm concerned that the post would never be Answered. Commented Jul 21, 2009 at 0:51

Simpsons did it. (It's a duplicate)

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