On Stack Overflow, suggested edits need two reviewers. So when you're the first reviewer to give your opinion (approve or reject) or if you're the second but vote the other way than the first reviewer, the edit stays in the queue. This has two annoying consequences when you're going through the suggested edit list (5k only):
- If you cast the deciding vote, the entry for this edit disappears from the list (it's moved to a header line at the top of the list). Otherwise the edit remains in place. This is annoying because it means the position of the next entry on the screen depends on something that shouldn't be relevant (whether you just cast the deciding vote). It's especially annoying because the entry can take a couple of seconds to disappear when it does, which has led me to click on the wrong row a couple of times, when the next edit was an obvious accept or reject.
- If you revisit the list and one of the edits you voted on still hasn't been decided, the entry appears again (with no buttons). Why show me the entry again? There's nothing I can do about it any more.
Here's the behavior I'd like:
- An edit never disappears from the list as long as I don't reload the page.
- If I reload the page, edits I've already voted on don't appear.
- When I've voted on an edit, it disappears to the collapsed list at the beginning, and stays there even if I reload the page.
- The disappearance should be instantaneous, with no fading.
Either way, please make the behavior on voting consistent whether my vote was the deciding one or not. And if the page is changed when I click on a vote button, the change should be instantaneous.
But please don't let that deter you from reviewing a few suggested edits on Stack Overflow. Visit the list and review one page (30 suggestions). We get 500–800 suggestions on a typical day. If 2% of the eligible ~5000 people do one page every day and vote on half the suggestions they see, we're good.