I have at least three google accounts I have access to which I could be signed into at any given time. The one I'm logged into the most frequently is also the one that is not associated with Stack Exchange, since it's shared between several people. Most of the time, this isn't an issue - once I'm logged in to a SE site (using Google as my openID provider), I stay logged in, even when I switch back to the primary google account. However, when creating a new account on a new site, I have to switch to one of my personal accounts, log in with Google's OpenID (which creates the account and associates it), then switch back.
This leads me to a two-part question:
- Why can't I create a new account on a new site from an existing account on another SE site that I'm currently logged into?
- Why am I limited to two OpenIDs associated with an account?
The answer to #1 could potentially be "Use a Stack Exchange OpenID" now that that has been added. In fact, I just created one in an attempt to work around this issue, which is when I ran into #2. I already have both OpenIDs in use - I don't have any space to associate a Stack Exchange ID as well. I really don't understand why there's a limit.
Why am I limited to two OpenIDs associated with an account?
because they have to set a limit somewhere. Making it open-ended changes things a bit. This is just easier in the long run. Call itarchitecture design decisions