After seeing I've found a particular set of "question"s with bad titles; how should I proceed?, I went on to go through my tags and edit some of those questions.
Now I went to the javac tag, and found these (both renamed now):
- Beginer Java Question - cannot find symbol
- Basic Javac question. Not seeing other classes, in same dir
I suppose there are quite more of these around, without "question" in the title.
Obviously these are bad titles, but what would be better ones? These are both about the same problem (classes in packages need to be compiled from the root of the package tree instead of from their own directory), but knowing this, one already has the solution.
If someone searches, he would most likely search for the compiler error cannot find symbol
. So should the title be Javac says "cannot find symbol"?, or such?
I suppose similar things exist for other programming languages, too: You have a compiler error message, and don't know what to do. How should we title such questions?