Can we get a centralized to-do list kind of feature?
Sometimes there are questions I would like to answer, answers I'd like to edit, downvotes I'd like reverse, etc. Just stuff that I don't have time to do (or otherwise can't) right then but I'd like to get back to later. This could also be extended to moderators for stuff they want to clean up.
Yes Jeff, I know you are going to tell me to use the starring feature.but shouldn't that be a fundamentally different feature? And if you tell me to use the browser's bookmarks, there are two incoveniences with this:
I use multiple devices and browsers to access SO, so I would have to sync my bookmarks, which is a hassle.
It takes a whole lot of clicks and keypresses to get a link to a specific answer, add the bookmark, categorize it so it doesn't clutter my bookmarks bar, etc. I counted 9 on Chrome, versus potentially 1 or 2 clicks