We (users and mods alike) vote to delete dozens of questions and answers each day that don't meet our idea of quality questions or answers.
Since you appear to do this often enough to complain about them being deleted, I'm really surprised you haven't yet seen my auto-comment-contraption asking you to incorporate actual useful content into your answers. Here it is, just to save the hassle of trying to find one:
While your article may in fact answer the question, it would be
preferable to include the
essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for
reference. Stack Overflow is only as useful as its questions and
answers, and if your blog host goes down or your URLs get moved
around, this answer becomes useless. Thanks!
I assume everyone means well enough and might just be familiar with "web forums" -- the soul-sucking uselessness that tends to thrive in usual "web forums" is typically thrilled to have a link, even if it goes stale in a month or two, even if it goes to some cargo cult posting that completely misses the point.
Stack Overflow is here to be better than that. All our content is subjected to voting so mindless cruft can be removed, wrong answers filter to the bottom of the pile, and clarity and correctness are rewarded.
Answers with just a link are hard to rebut and impossible to improve upon.
You would benefit from giving better answers, too. I have no incentive to read your blog postings if all I have is a link. If I can see some amount of care, effort, and thought, put into your answers here, maybe I'd go read your blog to learn more pearls of wisdom.