For context, your answers were originally deleted because they just consisted of identical short statements and links back to your blog. You blasted out seven of these in the span of five minutes, which caused Bill to find that 13 of your 19 answers just pointed to your blog in this fashion. This clearly stepped over the line into being self-promotion, in addition to not being particularly helpful as standalone answers, and the answers were deleted.
In his answer to your Meta question about this, Bill provided suggestions on how to flesh out your answers so that they can be restored. You did so for one of your answers, and Bill restored it. If you feel that you've improved the others, flag them as Other and write a detailed reason why you believe they should be undeleted. You don't need to come to Meta with this in most cases.
However, as pointed out in the question "Is it acceptable to add a duplicate answer to several questions?" merely editing these into duplicate answers is frowned upon for the reasons discussed in the answers there.
If you feel that the questions are true duplicates of one another, edit one of your answers to address the canonical question and flag the others (since you can't vote to close yet) as duplicates of that canonical one. However, from the comments of others here, it sounds like they are not true duplicates. In that case, tailor an answer to the specifics of each question rather than copying and pasting the same answer to each.
As a comment, your previous Meta question was severely downvoted because of your unprofessional attitude and language. Continuing to act in this way
"Great usability folks, way to blame the person trying to populate the
content, what a power trip, way to be."
is not going to win people over to your cause.