Possible Duplicate:
Questions not removed from “Linked” when comments are deleted

Given https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8647724/utorrent-and-really-slow-internet if we look at the linked questions on the right, we see

an illustration pointing out the oddity http://i.imm.io/dCgg.png

So what gives. Why is this linked? I don't see anything on the other Q that seems to link back to this one, either. Are there practical uses for dynamic-casting to void pointer?

  • 1
    and now the OP is deleted, so this is probably useless except for those over 10k on Stack Overflow
    – jcolebrand
    Commented Dec 27, 2011 at 18:36

1 Answer 1


This was totally my fault. My comment originally linked to the wrong question, which I was answering at the same time. I later edited to fix it when I spotted what I'd done. Looks like the "linked" questions outlived the edit I made though.


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