I am looking for guidelines on suggested edits. Specifically how drastic can they be?
I have read this https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/02/suggested-edits-and-edit-review/ and numerous posts on suggested edits that are against small/cosmetic edits, but haven't found any guidelines on how major they can be.
I made my first edit today https://stackoverflow.com/suggested-edits/216254 and it was rejected with "This edit changes too much in the original post; the original meaning or intent of the post would be lost."
Certainly the edit changes a lot of the text in the post. However, in my opinion, it distilled the actual question from a lot of other guff (look where the first question mark appears in the original). In terms of helping other users in the future I believe the edit is an improvement. I also wouldn't mind seeing the post merged or closed as it is hardly an original question.
Is it because of the added suggestion in the accepted answer? This was essentially a code review, and unrelated to the question asked.
I think there are a lot of questions like this on SO. I am happy to spend some time improving some of them, but first I would like to read some guidelines on what I can do (no doubt they already exist, and I have failed at search).
note: since my edit there has been a bit more back and forth in the comments. It seems the original asker wasn't really clear what he wanted. Is it not still better to edit the question into a concrete one and allow him to add new questions, or expand himself?