Well, in my defense - and hopefully I won't get downvotes for defending myself :) - about my answer, there is nothing to improve (for me at least, each person has their own way of coding) and the user who asked the question took it as the right one because it fixed his problem.
Now ahmedtabrez explained it was not his intention to hurt me, meaning, I believe, it wasn't personal (or because his answer, despite being right, was not chosen by Muzammil).
But think about how many people hide behind the anonymity of the downvote system and use it just to boost their own answers up?
It's frustrating to see that my efforts are not only not being rewarded, but also being penalized.
How did I know it was ahmedtabrez who downvoted?
I like to browse around the site constantly, so I'm always online.
I noticed the reputation drop at the top bar and went to question page.
Then, I just checked who was online at the time.
That's it.
Now the next question is: will people downvote this answer because they think it's not constructive or because they believe what I did is not right?
he used?