The full quote:
Clearly, choosing a contest format depends heavily on the site and the event. Any site that is receiving CHAOS attention is eligible for a contest. However, as stated above, Mission contests will probably only be run on sites that already have big events happening in their community. I’m optimistic that with these few basic contest models and the suggestions provided in meta, we can continue to improve and come up with something that fits our sites even better.
My take on it:
If there's strong community support for a contest, CHAOS and SE in general will help, whatever that quote may or may not be saying. Even if the site doesn't have a big event coming up, or any other reason to have CHAOS attention, we can always get their attention by screaming at the top of our lungs.
That said, some communities will never have "big events" the way Gaming has (think: Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, etc), I don't have the slightest what the equivalent would be for a site like Programmers or The Workplace and it would be nice of CHAOS to show some attention to sites that are by nature a bit more difficult to promote.
PS. A handful of people is not strong community support (just saying).