About 7 months ago, I was hired to the company I work at now. I was asked to bring some new ideas to the table. I instantly thought of a Q&A site similar to stackoverflow to target our marketed industry. I quickly pulled up the site and my new employer said "YES! I want that!" My memory told me that StackExchange was selling licenses for the product, and we could make a quick and easy integration.
Well, I had been on hiatus from SO at the time and was unaware of the new democratic Area51 and the new site creation policies. My boss decided he still wants something like it, and I offered to develop it from scratch. My only concern is legal implications from having a similar structure to StackOverflow and ending up with a fat lawsuit on my pink slip. We want to take advantage of everything from reputation to tags. I would propose an Area51 site, but we want this to be in house and be able to use it as a marketing tool, and sync our existing users with the program. I have no intent to stomp on any toes, but I'm actually very excited about the project.
I suppose my question is: What can I not do that StackExchange does? How do I make a Q&A format without cheesing off the community and making enemies on the network? What sort of legal guidelines should I follow to avoid infringing on the current setup of SE?