I mostly don't downvote questions by new users, unless they are really rude or really obvious off topic etc. Simply because it isn't always clear to new users what SO is about or how it works. Those questions often do get closed pretty fast either way. And when going on a downvote rampage when a new user asks a question isn't the way to go imo, because this would only drive people away from SO.
I have been thinking about a "treshold" of minimum rep before a user should be knowledged enough on SO to know what and how to ask questions. Currently when users are > 500 rep I'll check their profile to see whether they should know better to ask a good question (I.e. has this user asked more questions, were there any comments on this to miprove the questions, are these comments used to improve the questions, etc). When users are > 1000 rep I expect them to know by then how to site works and may downvote questions as I see fit.
Note: for answers I have a different opinion, because answers are more often used by other users and downvoting is the defacto quality measurement for other people to check the quality of an answer, but that's not what this discussion in about
This is in no way a feature request to prevent downvoting on new users. The downvoting system is in place for a reason and if somebody else wants to downvote the questions like above please do.
My question basically is: from how much rep can we expect a user to have enough understanding of the site to be able to come up with good questions?
I do understand that this might be a subjective question although we also have the privileges system in place which also links rep to trust worthiness on the site, so I thought maybe you have some thoughts about my question.