Offtopic in review is missing which I would choose a lot more often than say would it be possible to add/exchange this one?
1 Answer
When we last visited this topic, Programmers wasn't in the top 4 sites migrated to - even though it was already more accessible than some that were. Since then, it's fallen even further:
Super User × 777 8% rejected
Server Fault × 442 10% rejected
DBA × 346 2% rejected
TeX × 165 9% rejected
Code Review × 131 5% rejected
Meta Stack Overflow × 82 29% rejected
Programmers × 68 8% rejected
SharePoint × 60 1% rejected
(Note that Meta will always be there, regardless of where it falls in the list)
Given the relative lack of demand, I think we'll keep things the way they are for now. If you come across a good question that's off-topic on Stack Overflow but would work on Programmers, just flag for moderator attention and leave a custom message suggesting that it be migrated there.
29% rejection from Meta? Seems like we have a problem there... That seems completely outrageous in my eyes. Why are people migrating crap to Meta? Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:01
@animuson A lot of them get closed as dupes - which probably counts as a rejection. Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:02
1@Mysticial: Duplicates are the only thing that don't count as a rejection. A rejection means "this question doesn't belong here either." A duplicate question does belong here, it's just already been asked before. Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:04
@animuson A rejection means the question was closed (for whatever reason).– yannisCommented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:05
@YannisRizos: The system only "rejects" a question for non-duplicate and non-belongs-on close reasons. If the stats still include them, then the stats don't seem all that accurate or useful. I don't consider a question that gets closed as a duplicate to be a bad migration. :/ Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:12
@animuson I think that answer only applies to whether the rejection will get locked and the answers that followed it from the source site deleted, that doesn't happen if the question is closed as duplicate. The stats were there long before the rejection mechanism was implemented... "rejected" is just terminology, it does hint to a bad migration, but that's not always the case.– yannisCommented Sep 13, 2012 at 6:19