This is an addition to the following question:
How to tell if you're making the right edits to your closed question?
So say you've edited a closed question. Does this bump it on the Active tab and/or on some other place visible to users with enough reputation to leave a reopen-vote?
My researching skills could only find one topic on this: Stop an edited deleted answer from bumping the question
That question is talking about deleted, not closed, questions but in case the answers are still valid (they're from early 2010), I interpret it as editing a deleted question does bump the question. So I would guess that closed questions act the same, but I can't really know for sure, since I don't have high enough rep to test it out myself.
In either case, shouldn't this information be in some faq question?
On How does editing work?, What is a "closed" or “on hold” question?, How do you reopen a closed question?, What can cause a question to be bumped? or one of the other related FAQ questions.