I was just stumbling on StackOverFlow and I found out a question that is protected by user who has a reputation of 584, here's the link of the question

SO: How to change sa password in SQL Server 2008 express?

According on this link Protect Question:

A user must have atleast 15000 reputation in order to protect a question.

How is this possible?

2 Answers 2


The user that protected the question worked for SE at the time and had moderator powers.

  • And it needed it; 3 spam answers about the same product. Commented Nov 11, 2012 at 17:14

A user must have atleast 15000 reputation in order to protect a question.

That is for normal users; diamond users can have any reputation, and still be able to protect questions. This is what happened in this case, as Dori was a Community Coordinator (and, as such, a diamond user).

Since she doesn't work anymore for Stack Exchange, she is not anymore a diamond user.

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